Audience, Issues, Approach | |
Client: Nan Nalder | Nan Nalder is an Artist, Art Instructor, and Co-Chair of Exhibits at the Visual Arts Ministry at Saint Mark's Cathedral. |
Type of Site |
Goals | An online presence for visitors to:
Persona Group 1: Artists | ||
Audience | Issues | Approach |
Adrian the Artist is a 34 year old artist and curator. She has a Master's degree from Oregon State University in Visual Communication. Adrian mostly uses an iPhone to do her work but also owns a Kindle Fire, a new Windows 8.1 system at work running Firefox or Internet Explorer. At home, she owns a 2013 27" iMac and uses Safari for browsing. Adrian is in great health, and often commutes by bicycle. Adrian's heads up the rotating art installations at her work, and is interested in having Nan's work as an installation. |
Adrian would like to see Nan's work to get an idea of the art to determine which installation that she would like to run this summer. |
Provide a gallery of Nan's work. |
After viewing Nan's gallery, and determining Nan's location, Adrian will want to contact Nan either by phone or email. |
Provide a phone number as well as an email address for contacting Nan. |
After viewing the site and contacting Nan, Adrian will find it helpful to see a map of Nan's location so that she can plan where to go for her appointment with Nan to see the many works that Nan has created. |
Provide an address and map of Nan's home so that Adrian can get an idea of where she will need to travel for her appointment to see works in person. |
Persona Group 2: Clergy Members | ||
Audience | Issues | Approach |
Charles the Clergy Member is 81 years old. He graduated from the Berkeley Divinity School in Connecticut in 1952. Charles has moderate to high income having spent many years working with Real Estate investments. Charles has a three year old computer running Windows 7. He uses Internet Explorer 9 and will occassionally update his browser and computer when Windows prompts his to do so. Often, Charles will ignore the prompts because he doesn't exactly know what the prompts are for, and his happy with his computer the way it is and often wishes Windows would quit nagging him. Charles has the most inexpensive cell phone that he could find at Wal-Mart but barely uses it because he doesn't understand why it doesn't seem to work right. Paul does not own a tablet computer. Charles is in good health for his age, but his vision is not great. He will use a cane or walker on some days. Generally Charles seldom drives, he often gets rides to church and church events from other church members. Otherwise, he often commutes to events with other family members. Charles has been active in his chuch for decades and is interested in looking at artworks to support worship that he could purchase and donate to his church. Charles is particularly interested in aquiring Ecclesiastical Vestments for his Pastors. |
Charles has some vision problems, so he needs the images and text to be big enough where he can consume the information. |
All images and text will be large enough so that Charles can clearly see the enlarged view in Internet Explorer 9 without breaking the layout of the page. |
Can I see examples of the art work? |
All navigation will be clearly labelled so that visitors can easily find what they are looking for. |
How do I go about buying something? |
Prices and contaact information will be clearly labelled so that purchasing is easy. |
Can I focus on just ecclesiastical stuff without having to wade through all the other work? |
The site will include a series of items of worship. |
Persona Group 3: Community Member | ||
Audience | Issues | Approach |
Chris from the Community is 44 years old. He graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science. Chris has a stable job and occasionally spends his money on decorating his home. Chris uses Chrome, Firefox, or Safari on his three year old MacBook Pro. He generally updates his operating system and browsers regularly. Chris also owns a four year old Android phone, but no tablets yet. Chris plans to buy the latest model of iPad next year. Chris is generally in good health, he is a little overweight and occasionally hard of hearing. Chris usually drives to his destinations but will sometimes commute by bicycle. Chris met Nan at a local restaurant and learned of her work as an artist. Chris is interested in seeing some images and reading Nan's biography. After viewing Nan's work, he is curious about Nan's artistic inspirations. |
Chris is a regular Internet user. He is aware and accustomed to good design. He expects a certain minimum asthetic in sites that he visits. Chris might not know how to describe his expectations for modern design, or may even be unaware of his own disposition, but he definitely notices when a site is not asthetically pleasing, or at least reasonably usable.
When Chris perceives a site as being asthetically unpleasing, the experience lowers his impression of credibility. |
To address Chris' expectation of aesthetics, Nan's site will utilize a simple and coherent color scheme. The site will err on the side of negative space. Due to the nature of Nan's Art work, the site will use black or white as much as possible to provide a simple backdrop to support and not interfere with the myriad of colors in Nan's various works of art. |
Chris' main objective is to view Nan's work. While at Nan's site, he will probably send Nan an email to let her know that he dropped by the site. |
A contact form will be provided for electronic mail to Nan. A phone number will be listed as well. |